Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Gaga for Pinwheels

I love color.  And this is the first in a forthcoming series of color video pieces I am producing.  While it is not as full body an effort as painting a canvas, it does satisfy some deep need I have to see color move. 

This video art piece utilizes a wonderful rendering of Lady Gaga's "Bad Romance", played by the "Dueling Fiddlers," who renamed it, "Ki$ha Goes Gaga".  If you haven't heard "The Dueling Fiddlers" yet, you can find more of them at their You Tube Channel or on Amazon, Itunes, etc.  I first heard them while in West Virginia during the fall of 2010 at a political rally supporting big coal's candidate for Senate, the former Governor, Joe Manchin.  I won't hold that against them ;)

The underpinning for the video are colorful pinwheels shot on a Panasonic GH2, not that it makes much difference in this piece because of all the layers, filters and effects - all done in FCP.  Watch it full screen with lights off, headphones on for full meditative effect.